Our Meetings
Meeting Schedule: Most meetings last 1 hour and include meditation, dharma reading/video/audio, and mindful sharing.
Use this World Interbeing Sangha Calendar to view the meeting times in your time zone. Alternatively, you can manually view with The Time Zone Converter.
– Sundays at 8:30 am Mountain Time (US).
– Sundays at 7:00 pm Mountain Time (US).
– Sundays monthly on the 1st Sunday only at 10:30 am Mountain Time (US). Our LGBTQ+ Group. Anyone who self-identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Non-Binary, Two-Spirit, Queer, Intersex, etc., is welcome to join us.
– Sundays monthly on the 2nd Sunday only at 8:30 am Central Time (US). Our Mindful Parenting Group. Parents of all ages and stages – parents of young children, parents of teens, parents of grown children, stepparents, grandparents, adoptive parents…everyone who parents is welcome to join us.
– Sundays twice a month on the 1st Sunday at 18:30 United Kingdom time and on the 3rd Sunday at 12:00 pm Eastern Time (US). Our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Group. Anyone who self-identifies as a BIPOC individual is welcome to join us.
– Sundays monthly on the 4th Sunday only at 7:30 am Mountain Time (US). Our Bodhi Bodies Group. Anyone who self-identifies as someone who lives with chronic physical challenges (e.g., chronic illness, chronic pain) and/or physical disabilities is welcome to join us.
– Sundays monthly on the 4th Sunday only at 9:30 am Mountain Time (US). Our Mindful Activism Group. This group is for those who are activists or who are interested in conscious activism in the Plum Village engaged Buddhist tradition. We focus on the process of bringing about conscious activism rather than one specific area of activism.
– Mondays at 5:00 pm Pacific Time (US).
(On the first Monday of every even-numbered month, we recite The 5 Mindfulness Trainings).
– Wednesdays at 8:30 pm London Time.
(On the first Wednesday of every odd-numbered month, we recite The 5 Mindfulness Trainings).
– Fridays – at 9:00 pm Warsaw Time.
(On the first Friday of every month, we extend our meeting time to 90 minutes to recite The 5 Mindfulness Trainings).
– Saturdays at 7:30 am Rome Time.
(The Saturday before the Winter and Summer Solstice and Spring and Fall Equinox, we informally recite The 14 Mindfulness Trainings).
– Saturdays at 8:00 am Mountain Time (US). Our Interbeing Study Group focuses on Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching of Interbeing, which is the fundamental interconnectedness of all things.
– Saturdays monthly on the 4th Saturday only at 9:00 am Mountain Time (US). Our Racial & Intersectional Justice Study Group based on bringing forth racial & intersectional justice in ways that are interwoven with our mindfulness practice.
– Saturdays bimonthly on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays only at 9:00 am Mountain Time (US). Our Shining Minds Group. Anyone who self-identifies as being neurodivergent and/or as having a mental health challenge is welcome to join us.
– Saturdays monthly on the 2nd Saturday only at 10:00 am Mountain Time (US). Our Ecodharma Study Group focuses on the environment and the climate crisis in the context of our mindfulness practice. Everyone is welcome.
– Saturdays monthly on the 2nd Saturday only at 5:00 pm CET (Barcelona time). Our Lotus Pond Meeting is a space dedicated to art in all its forms as a part of our mindfulness practice. Creators and enjoyers of art are equally welcome.